Friday, July 24, 2009

Darika = big smile :)

One of my best friends in the entire world came to see me last weekend. Most of the people that read my blog know her but some may not. Darika and I have been friends for over 10 years. We went to high school together. (wow that made me feel really old) She is one of those friends that I don't talk to everyday but when I do it's just like old times. I always appreciate that she understands that with a husband and 2 kids that I am super busy! We always have so much fun together. This is her 3rd trip up to visit me. She was in my wedding so she had to come, she came right after Emily was born for a week to help me out and now this visit. I think we showed her that Ohio is actually really fun. We spent most of the time just laughing, talking, laughing some more, looking at old picuters and laughing, playing with the kids, going to Kelly's island & playing at Cedar Point. Emily just loved having "D" here. She butchered saying Darika's name so we just stuck with "D". Darika was such a good sport. She palyed princess dress up, picnic & read to Emily a lot. Mason even warmed up to her. It meant so much to me she came to visit. Darika I love you and am so glad to call you friend!!!! Can't wait for our next visit!


The Skalon Family said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad she was able to come and spend time with you. I know that was such a special visit for both of you. Nothing is more special than a best girlfriend!

lindsay said...

wow so i just read your blog occasionally, and i know darika! her mom babysat my sister and i for many years! wow what a small world!