Friday, May 21, 2010

Mason the Streaker

Last week on night around 11:30 pm I had this feeling I needed to check on Mason. He had been down for the night since around 8:15. Brent had just gotten home from work so we tip toed upstairs to take a peek. As I opened the door I saw Mason's PJ shirt laying on the ground. Then next to that I see the bottoms. As I looked a little further there it was....his diaper. When I looked in the crib I see my little man laying there naked as the day he was born all spread eagle with a little smile on his face as he was sleeping. This child is a MESS :) But we love him SO much!!!


The Skalon Family said...

How funny! I love it!

Stephie Z said...

very cute. I feel his pain though. Its blazing in Atlanta.