Friday, July 9, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!

We had some beautiful weather a couple of weeks ago. We decided to head the Toledo zoo with our good friends the Ziegler family. Jason & Kerri have 3 kids; Elizabeth is 6, Jake is 4, and Joey is 2. Brent and Jason have been friends since they started coaching in 2006. Emily and Jake are in the same preschool class and have been friends since Emily was 3 months old. Plus they think they are getting married one day. Mason and Joey are only 2 months apart and have been buddies since Joey was born. I love having good friends with great kids to hang out with all the time. When we do stuff together it is quiet a large group. HA!

The zoo was awesome. They have a new baby polar bear that the kids loved. Of course we all loved the elephants. Mason had a lot of fun making all the animal noises.

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